Code Red: How PERIOD Increases The Flow Of Menstruation Products And Education

(Image courtesy of PERIOD.)
Growing up, movies, television, and advertisements would romanticize menstruation. It would be the time of the month when writers would stereotype how a person acts on their period. Thus, menstruation would be the time of the month when a character can behave over the top, or their significant other would buy them extra desserts. But, this is not reality. PERIOD is making strides to empower menstruaters. PERIOD is an organization that combats the realities many menstruating people face by providing education and menstrual products. I had the chance to speak with Emily to learn more about the organization.

(Image courtesy of PERIOD. Photo Credit to Beatrice Domingo)
1. How does PERIOD empower menstruating people?
Over half the world's population menstruates, and yet, an enormous amount of shame and stigma is attached to this natural bodily process. Not to mention the fact that millions around the world suffer from period poverty (the limited or inadequate access to menstrual products or menstrual health education as a result of financial constraints or negative socio-cultural stigmas associated with menstruation.) At PERIOD, we believe that no one should have to miss out on life because of their period. Every person who menstruates should have access to the products they need to manage their menstrual cycle.

(Image courtesy of PERIOD)
2. How does PERIOD incorporate its mission and vision into your services?
We are working to eradicate period poverty and stigma through service, education, and advocacy. All of our workflows are from this three-pronged approach. We work to distribute menstrual products to people in need, provide educational resources for menstruators and allies alike to explore intersectional approaches to menstrual equity, and we are advocating for systemic change through policy and legislation.

(Image courtesy of PERIOD)
3. What are some ways the people can help in your efforts?
Thanks for asking! There are many ways for people (both those who menstruate and those who do not) to get involved! With over 400 (mainly youth-led) volunteer chapters across the globe, we encourage anyone interested in menstrual equity work to learn more about our chapter program and start your own or find one near you to join! You can learn more about period poverty and period stigma through our comprehensive Launch Pad of resources or hear from other passionate menstrual equity activists through PERIOD.'s blog, The Rag. PERIOD. is always taking donations because people are always menstruating: donate at
(Video courtesy of PERIOD)
4. What is the future of PERIOD?
The problem of period poverty has a solution, and we believe it can end within our lifetime. We look forward to engaging more youth activists across the globe as the United States and other countries continue to pass menstrual equity legislation to destigmatize periods and provide avenues of access to period products for all people who menstruate.

(Image courtesy of PERIOD)