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Design Thinking: Semi-Spoiled

(Image courtesy of Semi-Spoiled. Image shows The Red Hoodie with "Love That For You". Price=$50 You can order this hoodie at )

In Graduate School, one of the buzzwords professors love to discuss is "Design Thinking." Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding (Dam and Siang). Design Thinking enables a company to understand consumer needs to serve their audience better. For this project, I contacted different companies to learn how the organizations apply Design Thinking into their market offerings. I had the opportunity to talk with Semi-Spoiled to learn more about their organization.

(Image courtesy of Semi-Spoiled. Image shows The Green Hoodie with " Hey... I Miss You". Price=$47. You can order this hoodie at )

1. How do you stay ahead of the semi spoiled stay ahead of upcoming fashion trends?

My design style comes from knowing current trends and utilizing my sense of style. I learn from Pinterest and Tik-Tok what colors/styles are currently or possibly trending. I try to look at fashion in a macro-lense to see how established brands and influencers are creating. I see specific colors and think," how could I incorporate this into a hoodie." Based on my research, baby tees are going to be a big thing in the upcoming months. Since other companies are not selling that tee-shirt style yet, I have the opportunity to be one of the first companies to sell the product in the market. This process allows me to stay two months ahead of the curve usually.

(Image courtesy of Semi-Spoiled. Image shows The White Hoodie with "Protect Your Peace". Price=$40. You can order this hoodie at

2. How does semi spoiled incorporate its mission and vision into its product offerings?

One thing I incorporated since the start of Semi-Sppoiled was having a compliment or a positive phrase on the back of the hoodie. In this day and age, it's essential to recognize the importance of mental health and the impact of positivity. I use terms of endearment by friends say to each other like "Love that for you" to spread joy through the clothes.

(Image courtesy of Semi-Spoiled. Image shows The Forrest Green Hoodie with "Protect Your Peace". Price=$50. You can order this hoodie at

3. What is the future of the company?

I think that I'm going to ride this wave as long as I can. Streetwear is big right now, and I'm sure it will go in and out of style in waves, but I know that everybody (no matter what gender the person identifies as) loves it. Everybody loves a matching set. I'm just going to stick with positive affirmations and putting more quotes on new products. Our goal is to have a pop-up around Christmas time in the area, so hopefully, we can get enough like people located in Miami and reaching out to influencers in the area to get some more spoiled out there.

(Image courtesy of Semi-Spoiled. Image depicts the Semi-Spoiled Trucker Hats in Pink. Price=$27. You can order this hat at )


Me on my first day of graduate school

Rachel Huss

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